Нескучная классика - Наши / Күңелле классика - Безнекеләр
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Нескучная классика - Наши / Күңелле классика - Безнекеләр


Автор: Carlo Gozzi Translation by Ruzal Mukhametshin

Drama in 2 parts.
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes.

Italian playwright, the author of the fabulous pieces (Fiabe), using folk story elements and principles of the commedia dell"arte chooses characters-masks. Legend has it that Gozzi wrote his first play arguing with Goldoni (who was at the zenith of his fame) that he would write a play with a very simple plot, and achieve enormous success. Soon appeared a "Love for Three Oranges". And so Gozzi had created a new genre for theatre – Fiabe or tragicomic tale. In the heart of Fiabe lies fabulous stuff where the comic and the tragic is bizarrely mixed, and usually the source for the comic are conflicts of masks (Pantalone, Truffaldino, Tartaglia and Brighella), the source for the tragic are the conflicts of protagonists. Gozzi"s plays have a great popularity. His Fyabes still are being successfully staged around the world, causing the admiration of the audience. Stage Director Ma Dzhenhon moves the action of the play to medieval China...

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